Monday, November 28, 2016

Tech meetup during holidays, thoughts ?

Sometimes the thirst for 'creating applications' just keeps increasing.

Now, do you have the motivation to do something new and create something of your own that can do some magical stuff ? Tech can help you with that!

Let's have tech meetups during holidays and have sessions and share what we know. Let's have workshops and hands on sessions and learn stuff! What do ya say ?

There are lots of benefits to this :

1. As coders and people of the tech industry, we will be able to learn some new stuff, which is really important, to keep ourselves up to date.

2. We get to know new stuff, which is out of our comfort zone and areas of expertise. Like in my case, I have no idea what is Machine Learning, what Artificial Intelligence is, so, if someone comes up with a session about it, well, it would give me some idea about what it is. And with some demos and implementation details, the sessions would just be - "Wow"

3. People get to know what they like. Let's face it -  people can't really judge if they like something or not just by hearing about it. Sometimes they need to be told more about it, so that they can decide that they like it or not. But yeah, there is really no measure of "more" over there. We just have to try the best to learn something so that we can decide if it really motivates you and if you like it. And yeah, people might find new stuff that they really like and may go mad about it and continue the madness for years. I still remember how a very simple Android Guest Lecture motivated me "try" Android development, which I ended up doing for long (with too much craze) for my small pet projects for college and I still develop some small stuff in Android.

4. New things add to your interest, knowledge and as a bonus, to your resume, for your future! It's so cool when you can actually put up what you like and know, in your resume.

5. We can have pair programming sessions. Code is not easy to learn. So, let's try to make it easy through one-on-one discussions and with help from a small active community (people at the meetup) which is entirely different from an online forum.

I can't think of more benefits, help me with it some some comments ?

What are your thoughts ? Please send feedback to This is just an idea. If many people agree to it, and if we get some volunteers, then we could just start it up. And after college starts, we can continue it as part of iCellor continue it during the evenings in college, or something similar, I don't know.

And even if it the idea is a failure, those who like the idea, can check out and look out for such tech meetups in companies and stuff. And there are other types of meetups too, in the site.