Sunday, July 10, 2016

Learn Front End Development at FreeCodeCamp Now !

This post is for Web Developers or ones who wanna become Web Developers!

Know how to code sites in HTML,CSS and JavaScript ? Know how to create Cool sites with the same set of technologies ? Know all the new trends in the Front End Development ?

Get to know them using site. The site teaches Web Development - Front End and Back End too. But if you are a starter, you better go for Front End first. It has a lot of easy tutorials and challenges and it ain't one of those tutorials with hundreds of videos. Did you know that videos are not a good way to learn ? You get tired and fatigue. Free Code Camp uses written tutorials and works in a " Do and Learn" manner. You should try it once and you will love it ! :) Many sites use this technique now. Like too.

Have fun learning Web Development!

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